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An Elite and Professional Group

SOAR prides itself in being an elite group of researchers and operators with a mission to conduct sound scientific weather modification research and cloud seeding operations efficiently, professionally and safely.

The SOAR main field office facility is located in Wichita Falls, TX. A fleet of aircraft is based in Wichita Falls and in other locations where cloud seeding or research operations are underway. The pride of the SOAR fleet is a high performance cloud physics research aircraft, which has been used efficiently in highly focused research efforts. This aircraft is equipped with the latest research grade instrumentation available in cloud physics and aerosol studies.

The SOAR crew is a very dedicated and highly trained group of professionals. SOAR employs and contracts with research meteorologists, operational meteorologists, weather modification pilots and research pilots. Other personnel support the cloud seeding and atmospheric research operations such as mechanics and technicians.

Copyright © 2005