Publications &
Reports |
journal articles |
Rosenfeld, D., W. L. Woodley, D. Axisa, E. Freud, J. G. Hudson, and A. Givati (2008),
Aircraft measurements of the impacts of pollution aerosols on clouds and precipitation over the Sierra Nevada, J.
Geophys. Res., 113, D15203,doi:10.1029/2007JD009544.
Non refereed
journal articles |
Axisa, D.: The Southern Ogallala Aquifer Rainfall
(SOAR) program – A new precipitation enhancement
program in west Texas and southeastern New Mexico.
Journal of Wea. Mod (April 2004). |
papers |
Axisa, D., C. Reed, D.R. Collins, D. Rosenfeld and W.L.
Woodley: Evidentiary support of polluted clouds
downwind of metropolitan coastal areas. AAAR Conf.,
Austin, TX, (October 2005). |
Axisa, D., D. Rosenfeld, A. Givati and W.L. Woodley:
Precipitation suppression by anthropogenic air
pollution: major loss of water resources where we need
them most. WMA Conf., Athens, Greece, (September
2005). |
Axisa, D., D. Rosenfeld, A. Givati and W.L. Woodley:
The first year of operation of the Southern Ogallala
Aquifer Rainfall (SOAR) program Piper Cheyenne II
cloud physics research aircraft. WMA Conf., Athens,
Greece, (September 2005). |
Axisa, D., D. Rosenfeld, J. L. Santarpia, W.L. Woodley
and D. R, Collins: The Southern Plains Experiment in
Cloud Seeding of Thunderstorms for Rainfall
Augmentation (SPECTRA) Project: Operational tools used
towards verifying glaciogenic and hygroscopic seeding
conceptual models, case studies and preliminary
results. 16th Conf. on Wea. Mod., San Diego, CA,
(January 2005). |
J. T. Johnson, Weather Decision Technologies, Norman,
OK; and C. Barrere, M. D. Eilts, N. Kuhnert, M.
Mathis, and D. Axisa: Weather Modification operations
with NEXRAD level-II data and products. 16th Conf. on
Wea. Mod., San Diego, CA, (January 2005). |
Woodley, W. L., D. Rosenfeld, D. Axisa, R. Lahav and
G. Bomar: On the Documentation of Microphysical
Signatures Following the Base-Seeding of Vigorous
Texas Clouds Using Glaciogenic and Hygroscopic Agents.
16th Conf. on Wea. Mod., San Diego, CA, (January