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Precipitation Augmentation Program and Research on Istanbul Clouds and Aerosols (PAPRICA)

Istanbul target (reservoir) map. The polygons of varying shades of blue show travel times for water to flow into adjacent reservoir (1-4 hours). The outermost polygons (4 hour travel times) approximate seeding targets. Various surface meteorological stations are also shown with key at lower left. Courtesy Municipality of Istanbul Emergency Management agency (AKOM).

SOAR has teamed with the National Center of Atmospheric Research (NCAR) to study the opportunities for precipitation enhancement in the Istanbul area. The objectives of the *Precipitation Augmentation Program and Research on Istanbul Clouds and Aerosols (PAPRICA)* project are to:

(a) Determine a basic understanding of the natural cloud characteristics and precipitation processes occurring within the clouds of Istanbul, Turkey. Specifically, the natural microphysical characteristics of the warm and cold clouds will be documented. Natural and anthropogenic aerosols will be sampled to determine their effect on precipitation processes.

(b) Test the concepts of hygroscopic seeding in Istanbul by conducting trial hygroscopic seeding cases.

(c) Test the latest concepts of glaciogenic seeding using modern formulations of silver iodide (AgI) in Istanbul by conducting trial AgI seeding cases.

(d) Document the time history of hygroscopic and glaciogenic seeding experiments using both in-situ microphysical measurements and radar.

(e) Evaluate radar-derived rainfall from seeded (hygroscopic and glaciogenic) clouds and unseeded storms.

(f) Conduct analysis of the data collected that determines the feasibility to design a multi-year cloud seeding operational and research program as a viable water management technology for the Istanbul Municipality.

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